Photo by the incredible Jo Ellen Verna.



Hi! Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by! So, obviously, you know I am a photographer…that’s why you’re here! I wanted to share a few fun things so you can get to know a bit about my non-photography side…

In addition to being a photographer, my main job is as a nurse practitioner (NP). I trained at the University of Pennsylvania & have been an NP for 18+ years. I have worked in the ER, physical rehab/orthopedics, conducted home-based assessments for Medicare patients & most recently, I took a new position in office-based gastroenterology. Yep, now it is literally my job to talk 💩 all day HAHA! (Sorry, I couldn’t let that pass!)

As an NP I am able to make a big difference in many people’s lives. My goal as your photographer is to do the same thing for you – to have your session be more than just me taking your picture. I want you to walk away from your session with a newfound sense of self, feeling confident & secure in the incredible person you are.


Music is a part of my soul. In 5th grade, I started playing the clarinet & played all through high school & college. I changed to a double major in undergrad adding music to my psychology major & I am forever grateful that I did. My undergrad college, Moravian College (now Moravian University!!), is well known for it’s strong music program. I continue to sing today & train with an incredible voice teacher here in Phoenix. I have been a 2nd Soprano in the The Phoenix Symphony Chorus, one of the most tremendous choruses in which I have had the honor to sing, for the last 9 seasons. Hoping we get back together soon…

I am a wife. Neither my husband nor I had ever been married before which is pretty rare considering we didn’t meet until we were both well into (or past!) our 30’s. Kurt brings out the best in me. Our relationship challenges me to listen more than I speak, be more understanding, more empathetic, & always grow into a better version of myself. We got married in 2016 & thanks to the sweet Heidi Lea we have some incredible photos to cherish forever. It is my honor to provide you with similar heirloom portraits to treasure for years & pass down through the generations of your family.

I am a fur Mama. I didn’t grow up with any animals so when the time was right, I decided to adopt a kitten from a shelter near where I lived in Pennsylvania. My sweet Smokey was with me for 14 years; he was a great cat & endured many moves with me (see next bullet point). I adopted my dog Bella in 2012 when she was 5 years old. She is actually the reason I met my husband, Kurt! Our pets are integral parts of our families (usually for far less time than we’d like) & are just as important to photograph through their years. Printed portraits of your pets are such a wonderful way to keep them part of your life forever. That photo of Bella is on a thin canvas that now hangs by our fireplace & is such a sweet reminder of our gentle, loving girl.

This photo of me & my Daddy is one of my all time favorites!!

This photo of me & my Daddy is one of my all time favorites!!

I grew up in rural Pennsylvania in an area where they still mine Anthracite coal (for those of you familiar with NE PA: Schuylkill County is my home county) From undergrad college until 2014, I moved 16 times & lived in 5 different states other than Pennsylvania. I have been in Phoenix, Arizona since 2010 & there are not any planned moves in my near future (THANK GOODNESS!)

Another photo by the incredible Michele Celentano.

Photo by the incredible Michele Celentano.

A few little quirky things about me:

  • I am a complete sap. I am a sensitive soul & wear my heart on my sleeve. I get all teary-eyed with many of my patients as they tell their stories, when I see a beautiful sunset (which is OFTEN here in Phoenix!) or during a photo session as someone begins to open up, relax & discover their powerful, confident beautiful self.

  • I am a hugger…big time. I have a very small area of personal space most days. Don’t worry though…I know most people aren’t like that so just tell me if you prefer to not get any (or too many) Jenn hugs!!

  • I laugh really loud. We’re talking full-on people-turning-around-to-look-at-you-with-a-side-eye kind of loud. My Mom laughed really loud too…I like to think my loud, heartfelt laugh is one little way I can have her memory live on through me =)

There you have it: a few non-photography things about me to help you get to know me better. Feel free to follow along on my Instagram to keep up with more of my behind the scenes as well as some recent sessions. See you at your next photo session with me!

I want to help YOU see your unique, incredible self beyond the image in the lens.

Jenn Schaeffer
Portrait Photographer, Nurse Practitioner, Musician, Sentimental Soul